Welcome to Ethio Agri-CEFT Plc

Ecology of the Plantations

Gumaro’s tea growing region is blessed with ample rainfall, distributed over nine to ten months in the year; this eliminates the risk of moisture stress. The land layout ensures sufficient drainage, the mild temperature and high altitude in conjunction with the red brown, well drained and fertile soil, ensures premium high quality tea and productivity.

Gumaro Tea Facts

Tea Varieties 

Six tea varieties are grown. Namely:-







Tea Production Processes

The fresh leaves undergo withering, cutting, tearing and curling (rolling), fermentation, drying, sorting and cup testing. Quality control begins at the farms before it is transported to Addis Ababa for final grading, blending and packaging.

Black Loose Tea

At Gumaro tea plantation we grow a larger leaf variety, giving our teas a richer and smoother taste, with 3,492 tons of annual production of black tea. Whether you brew by the cup or the pot, tea lovers will enjoy the subtle nuances and fresh-from-the-farm flavor of full leaf loose teas.

Diversification of Gumaro Tea Plantation

Gumaro has a very conducive environment for fruits development as a result of which it has started producing banana, avocado, lemon, pineapple and more types will be added soon.

The Gumaro tea plantation produces organic honey from the natural forest that surrounds the tea plantation.

Gumaro, Ethio Agri-CEFT’s tea growing and processing farm co-developed eucalyptus plantation covering 706 ha of land. The eucalyptus plantation was mainly planted for wood fuel to produce energy. This fast growing species of eucalyptus is easily chopped for use by the boilers to convert dry green leaves to black tea. In addition to drying tea, the logs from the eucalyptus plantation are processed by sawmills and sold to various customers in the domestic market. The average lumber output has been about 565 cubic meters per year. Some of the products have been sold in the form of pallets, saw logs and transmission poles that have supported the country’s electrification efforts. We work to minimize the environmental impact of all our activities including our timber work operations.

The purpose of the tea out growers scheme is to attract and include the Plantations’ neighboring small farmers in tea production. By so doing, not only will they earn additional cash but also gradually increase the country’s tea production. The implementation of the scheme started in 2004 with a small group of farmers at both plantations, now covers 554.61 ha. of land and supports 686 farmers. When the tea plants get ready for plucking, both Wush-Wush and Gumaro receive the green leaves from the farmers at agreed prices. Then the factories will process and market the tea.


