Welcome to Ethio Agri-CEFT Plc


Plantation on
2,675 Hctr

Ethio Agri-CEFT

We have 22 years of Coffee farming & Exporting experience globally, work with professionals.

Ethio Agri-CEFT's first venture was in coffee with the development of the iconic Gemadro Coffee Plantation. As of 2020, Ethio Agri-CEFT's farms are located in the Southern Ethiopian regions Gemadro, Duyina, Beha and Ayehu in Northern region. The farms offer ideal altitude and climate which contributes to the ranges of flavors and qualities, The Company's coffee farms focus on the production and export of quality coffee for the international market.



The Gemadro Coffee is cultivated under the dense forests surrounded by native trees that have been habitat to various species.

Ayehu ​

This farm, produce a coffee which is exclusively arabica, and are worldwide known for their unique aroma, flavor and good cup quality.


Duyina farm produces high yielding premium quality coffees from the southwestern forested area. The farm covers a total of 1,574 hc


Beha coffee farm is located in southern Ethiopia region. So far, 288 hectares is currently under cultivation. The coffee, which is exclusively arabica
